Don't use children in such way
I have many “special” experiences since 2011 as a consequence of datacrimes I have been a victim of, and as a consequence of that mentally ill people have abused data from the crime, and investigated crimes related to the datacrimes, that I have reported to Norwegian police many years ago.
One of my experiences is that small children have been used in testing against me with a purpose to find out whether or not I am a sexual child abuser. The person responsible for that is psychotic. Possibly a psychotic psychologist, psychiatrist or police officer.
Adult people are not sexually interested in small children. That is not a fact I “invent” but a law of nature. Not until people are teenagers and/or close to the legal age for having sex, and are old enough to make children, people may become sexually interested in other people. This can probably be proven from lives of animals. Adult animals don’t have sex with baby or “small child” animals.
When sexual crime is committed against small children, thankfully very rarely, it has to do with punnishment or revenge related to crime by people who are willing to committ crime or have history in committing crime. People who committ such crimes may have been victim of such crimes themselves sometime.
When a person is tested in such a way, which I have experienced, it is noticeable because of the “unnatural” presence of children in the environment. If someone is present somewhere because “you are” there, and there is a repetition in “pattern”, it is very likely you sometime will notice that something is abnormal and not natural. If parents are present somewhere with their children of natural reason, not because you are there, their presence will normally be perceived as natural by you.
If another adult in your environment starts pointing to his genitals while near you, in a way that makes you see the person pointing, and it is a signal to you, and there are other details that makes you understand something is "going on", you may understand that it's testing.
I am of course not at all interested in small children in sexual ways.
Being exposed to such testing, which is meaningless for different reasons, is not “comfortable”.
If someone creates a wrong perception of that someone is a suspected sexual child abuser, and many people behave in irrational ways on the basis of it, I have felt anxiety linked to the abnormal emotions they "push on people" they test.
Before they started with their "testing", pushing children on to me in some situations for a very sick reason, this has been a "no issue" for me.
The ongoing testing, based on wrong perceptions about cause of such crimes, is very unfortunate and destructive.
What people who abuse children in such testing do is to use the children, who of course don't understand what they are used for, to “silently” speak to tested adults' genitalias. It is very sick. Had children used in testing been replaced with an animal, with an old person, with a person of the other gender or with a person of a same gender, regardless of who it is, and the person tested understands that it's about testing of sexual emotions, it is quite likely that the "tested" would think/feel something in relevant body parts because someone present is speaking to his/her body parts.
What testers "say" when they use children to test normal people like that is that “this kind of sexual abuse is normal” which is very untrue. In that way they push wrong ideas/thoughts onto victims of testing, because sexual crimes against small children is very very rare.
Sexual crimes against children is not about “having a feeling” in a body part, but about acts and crimes committed against children.
People who test adults in such ways will never benefit or achieve anything from the testing because such crimnes normally only happens if the person who committs the crime feels safe not to be revealed. Unless he/she wants to be revealed.
When such crimes happen the motive is revenge or punishment normally related to other crime.
Adults normally like or love children, or would do things to help children in normal ways if they could. Sexual crimes against small children never happens in families because family members love, care for or wishes their children and family members well, even though families also can have their problems. Family includes uncles, aunts and relatives. When sexual child abuse happens one can assume people from outside families committ the crimes.
Most people will problably never experience testing for different reasons. If someone has it is very likely they will support my views on this.
Using children in such testing should be forbidden and I hope people who use children in such ways are stoped. They create ill thoughts in society.They base their acts on sick and wrong theories and perceptions and that of course leads to sick thoughts and perceptions.
Written 26th July 2024 (corrected 26th July 2024)
Christian M. Borge