I wrote a message to the White House concerning the 9.11 attack on 17th July 2024. The reason for why I have written to the White House is that Americans or mentally ill people affected by the 9.11 attack have fabricated stories based on stolen, unshared and private data from my PC in an attempt to create a wrong perception about me. Some stories, such as the Smolensk airdistaster and the shooting down of the airplane over Ukraine, are untrue stories fabricated with the purpose to mislead people. 
Interpol and The Bureau for the Investigation of Police affairs in Norway have received copies of the messages: 

-------- Original Message --------

Subject:Kopi av melding til det hvite hus
From:Christian Morten Borge <28746206@ya.lv>


I have shared information before with the White House about how words about attack method somehow may have moved from Norway to someone involved in planning of the 9.11 attack.  

I have shared different theories with the White House and other people about this.  

In 2001 while I lived in second floor (1st floor in "British") in a house in Kvernshusveien 13 in Laksevåg on the west coast of Norway two men moved in under me. Soon after there was a front page newspaper article in the city main newspaper Bergens Tidende. The article told a scary story about the two, saying they had been charged/convicted for church fire/murder and made me and probably other people worried.  

The two undoubtably disliked the article and it was no coincidence that they moved in under me. I don't know whether or not the contents in the article was true. 

A person or persons from the division of Norwegian police POT (POT was an abbreviation for "Politiets Overvåkningstjeneste" which directly translated to English is "Police Surveillance service") was quoted in the article. POT (now PST) then had the responsibility of working with measures against "smaller scale" terrorism on Norwegian soil.  

While the two lived in the apartment under me I sent a message to POT in which I encouraged POT to consider risks related to use of passenger airplanes as weapons to attack distand targets. This is true and Americans can test me (with lie detector etc. If neded). I remember these details very well.    

It is very likely that two monitored my PC when I sent the message to POT.  

They had an obvious reason to be angry at POT and an obvious motive in embarrassing people working for POT. 

The article revealed them in a way and  contents undoubtably made them angry. 

I currently live in a hostel i Warszaw. Had to move from Latvia because of a lot of sick people participating in organized crime related to the 9.11 attack. 

Christian Morten Borge  

-------- Second Message --------

Subject:Kopi av melding til det hvite hus
From:Christian Morten Borge <28746206@ya.lv>

I wrote a corrected message to the White House later. 

The White House received a message from me earlier today concerning the 9.11 attack.

I wrote in the message:

"A person or persons from the division of Norwegian police POT (POT was an abbreviation for "Politiets Overvåkningstjeneste" which directly translated to English is "Police Surveillance service") was quoted in the article. POT (now PST) then had the responsibility of working with measures against "smaller scale" terrorism on Norwegian soil."

I have thought more about this. I can't remember if someone from POT was quoted but I think it was written or indicated in the article that the two had been under surveillance by POT. The two had, according to the article, been members of a group that had been named Bootboys. I don't think that changes anything with regard to other contents in the text you received.

They had a motive in embarrasing people working for POT.

Christian Morten Borge