Mythomania or mental illness

People who connect 24/7/365 to my PC are either mythomanic or mentally ill. 
Terrorism is often or nornally linked to war and neither I nor any people close to me have ever been involved in or affected by war.

But then why then did Anders Behring Breivik committ terrorism? As far as I know, based on what I have read in newspapers, 
he was not affected by war in any way. May be what happened on 22nd July in Norway just was a play? 
By that I mean by actors and that no one were killed and injured.  

If it was would it be possible to "fake" the emotions after?
"In theory" it could have been a secret for most people that it was a play. That would make people react in the way people would have reacted if it had been real. 

If it was a play why?
In theory because of information I have shared about 9.11 in these pages. Someone has investigated details linked to this information and that has made decision makers act in a psychotic way. I think it is understandable that these details have made people in Norway mentally ill.   

Why do I wonder?
One reason is that I think people in Norway have been very irrational by ignoring information I have shared with Norwegian police authorities since May 2011. It is simply stupidity and/or ill. I also know that it was someone who connected to my PC before the summer 2011 who somehow influenced on the person who committed the "22nd July crimes" and that the sports project I worked on undoubtably has been a dependent alterior motive in the case. By dependent I mean that the crimes or play wouldn't have happened had it not been for the project.