Not relevant in the 9.11 case

I recently wrote a letter to the White House that can be downloaded from this link:

Unless someone has witnessed that it was different (by that I mean that someone who worked for police, a defence authority or POT did something before or after POT received the email from me) I was probably hacked by someone either working for a police authority, for a defence authority or by someone from Iraq.  I can say 100% for sure that I never sent a message to someone in or from the Middle East (if someone say they have witnessed I have sent a message to someone other than POT they are lying).

There are strong arguments for that I have absolutely no responsibility when it comes to the cause of the 9.11 attack.
1. I informed a right authority about possible attack method and encouraged "them" to consider contents in the message I sent them. I didn't know whether or not there was such a risk but there obviously was.  
2. It had been easy to "equip" airplanes with one or more armed agents. Had the risk associated with use of airplanes as weapons
to attack targets been understood they would have done so before the attack. I was no expert in terrorism. People working for POT should have had a protocol to forward such message to a right authority if they didn't. 
3. I broke no law and committed no crime. To say that I have "done something wrong" is like saying that laws don't matter, which is how it has been like since 2011, and that is insane. By that authorities say "we don't really need laws.